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Proiecte | Empowering Banat through Realistic Demand (EBRD) eMS RORS 389 | Achizitie - Acquisition of organization of events services
Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură TIMIȘ
Fișiere disponibile download file:
- Descarcă 1 contract notice.doc
- Descarcă 2 instructions to tenderers.doc
- Descarcă 3 service contract.doc
- Descarcă 4 general conditions.pdf
- Descarcă 5 terms of reference.doc
- Descarcă 6 organization and methodology.doc
- Descarcă 7 key experts.doc
- Descarcă 8 total budget.doc
- Descarcă 9 list of entities invited.doc
- Descarcă 10 tender form.doc
- Descarcă 11 Declaration of honour on exclusion and selection criteria.doc
- Descarcă 12 administrative grid.doc
- Descarcă 13 evaluation grid.doc
- Descarcă 14 legal person.pdf
- Descarcă 15 legal entity.pdf
- Descarcă 16 public law body.pdf
- Descarcă 17 financial identification.pdf
Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură TIMIȘ