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Proiecte | EIT Climate KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Community) | CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - EIT CLIMATE-KIC HUB IN ROMANIA


    Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură Timiș

    Deadline for applications: 29 January 2021, 23:59 CET

    EIT Climate-KIC Hub in Romania representing EIT Climate-KIC, Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate change, is launching a call to recruit new members of EIT Climate-KIC Hub in Romania to participate in EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS). The EIT RIS is a structured outreach scheme to support the integration of the knowledge triangle (education, research, business) and increase the innovation capacity in regions in Europe not yet directly benefitting from the EIT and its KICs.

    Application Form

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    Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură TIMIȘ