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Circular Economy in Balkan countries. The state of play 2020 Webinar | ![]() |
The main goal of this webinar is to enact cooperation and showcase the current state of affairs in circular business in 4 countries of the region: Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece,in conformity with the purpose of the project to develop a CE ecosystem and services that will enable the transition to CE in the Western Balkans.
The event is organized by Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture Timis within the Project Western Balkan Circular and Climate Innovation Beacons “CE Beacons”, in collaboration with project partners: Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy- Germany, Cleantech Bulgaria, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Athena Research And Innovation Center In Information, Communication And Knowledge Technologies- Greece and Center for circular economy development CirEkon- Serbia.
CE BEACONS aims to prepare companies for coming systemic CE implementation with raising skills capacity of local workforce, raising enabling conditions and helping decision makers lift recognized business barriers. It also aims to co-design a regionally-fit framework with implementation methods, then to deliver knowledge through Train the Trainer (TtT) formats to experienced professionals and trainers dedicated to CE transition. This transfer of experience from Western Europe partners to Balkan partners aims to re-shape the frameworks and processes that are tested and working in the “west”, in order to fit the Balkan context.
The deadline for registration is July 8.
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Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură TIMIȘ