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9:30-9:35: Logistics
9:35-9:45: Welcome by Andrea Steiner, Director of Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change
Introduction to Wegener Institute
9:45-9:54: Project overview
Global and local adjustments needed, decarbonization in regions of projects will affect these regions very much.
Developing new social and economic opportunities for population in the project areas
Strong stakeholder involvement
Strong portion of co-funding of partners in project, this is needed as a start for more similar projects and action in future.
9:55-10:15: Introduction of participants
Introduction of partners and workshop participants
WegCenter: Ilona Otto: Professor and Head of Social Complexity& System Transformation Research Group, Andrea Steiner: Director of Wegener Center, Johanna Pfeifer: Project management, Franziska Stölzel: Masterthesis on Social Involvement in Lusatia Region
BTU: Stefan Zundel (excused), instead: Caron Pomp: Research Assistant of Prof. Zundel,
Climate-KIC: Sarah Teller-Tokarska, Key Account Lead in German Team, focus on structural change, network in Lusatia; Anna Bursa (not present): Polish team of Climate-KIC; Inna Chilik: transition in CEE-region; Anna Kronvall, student assistant Berlin office
Timis Chamber of Commerce: Cristina Badulesucu, project manager, coordination of Climate-KIC in Romania, colleagues: Rafaela Colban, Rodica Olinic, will be more involved in project work
Bankwatch: Alexandru Mustata, working on transition in CEE, more supporting role, Dan Dobre: campaigner of coal phase-out and transition, work in Gorj region just starting, experience from other regions in Romania
Regional Development Agency Konin: Aleksandra Broniszweska, transition specialist, supporting activities in transition for SME in Poland, support with information of cultural, economic background in this region
E3G: Peter de Pous, european think tank, offices Berlin, Brussels, London, working on European coal-phase-out, Rebekka Popp: coal-phase out and just transition in Germany and Eastern Europe
PIK: Wolfgang Lucht, earth system scientist, environmental advisor to German government, advice on coal phase.out in Germany, Antonia Schuster: PhD student at PIK, background agricultural economics, involved in climate activism in Lusatia region, Delasi de Souza: student assistant
Center for System Solutions Poland: Tim Giger, sustainability expert, NGO social simulations, Jakub Damurski: coordinating team of graphic designers/game designers, integrating knowledge from science with stakeholder views
10:15-10:35: WP1
NOTE: Presentation recorded from this point
Ilona Otto: Overview on WP 1 in 2020
Tim Giger: Overview on policy simulations
Videos on policy simulations
Rebekka Popp: question on language barrier, how to deal with it, many stakeholders will probably not speak English?
Ilona Otto: Poland, Germany no problem, enough team members who speak the language, maybe a bit problematic with Romania, with help from Crisitna will hopefully work out
Rebekka Popp: design of simulation
Tim Giger: Simulations will be specifically designed for regions, input from project partners needed for development of policy simulation
Wolfgang Lucht: activities already happening, e.g. in Germany, how to mesh project with activities that are already going on? Ilona: some are already active in these activities, first review of what is available; Lusatia is most advanced in transition process, more budget available for transition, Poland and Romania are not that far yet and there is not so much money available
Coffee break
A video on Policy simulations:
Images from the Nakambe Policy simulation:
10:45-11:05: WP2
NOTE: Presentation recorded from this point
Pieter de Pous: Introduction to WP2
You can find some publications that are based on our Political Economy Mapping Methodology on our website:
11:05-11.25: WP3
Caron Pomp: WP3
Coordination of empirical work necessary
11:25-11:45: General discussion
Wolfgang Lucht: how can outcomes and findings really be made relevant? What are partners to raise project outcomes to a level of visibility that matters?
Sarah Teller-Tokarska: project is really about implementation!
11:45-12:00: Empirical work coordination
Update Gantt chart
12:00-12:30 Project management, project communication and dissemination
Sarah Teller-Tokarska: co-funding rule changes for 2021: EIT has to adjust grants; partners have to come up with adjusted funding schemes, co-funding and EIT funding should be 50:50. Solutions: 1) decrease costs, keep co-funding where it is now and therefore lower EIT costs 2) keep EIT-funding at same level and step up co-funding 3) a mixture of both
Dissemination: Rebekka Popp:
- EU Coal platform (Resources:
- EU Just transition platform (
- Website of Bankwatch to share local transition stories:
Afternoon session
Ilona Otto to do: forward the Cimate KIC E-mail to everyone, set a doodle for a meeting next week and in two weeks.
Need to update budget and work plan for 2021 until September 7 at the latest
Agreement that everybody is still interested to carry on with the project even with budget cuts
Online working document:
General points on building local stakeholder network:
- Local elections Romania in Sept 2020, general elections in Romania Oct/Nov 2020, general election Germany Sept 2021 will influence work of project
- How to approach mining and energy companies, local political parties, and more difficult actors in general?
- Not all actors can be brought together in the same formats (e.g. climate activists and energy companies)
- We need to avoid involving stakeholders too strongly (stakeholder fatigue), esp. in case of Lusatia
Action points building local stakeholder network:
- Agata and Aleksandra please fill in sections for Poland
- PIK/Wegener create contact list for each region and contact consortium to align contacts (use Cristina contact list)
To do: add Franziska Stölzer to the e-mail list
And Rodica Olinic-
Make list of contracts in three regions.
Antonia Schuster, Delasi de Souza, collect Polish contact names with Alexadra and Agata
Other relevant projects in the area: IASS Potsdam, a project with LEAG (?), young people who were trained as minors, a project with them and workshops. An anthropologist from IASS was involved, Sarah will try to get connect with them.
Fritz from PIK - why don’t we speak to non-obvious actors, e.g. AFD members. Trying to listen to them. E.g. Cottbus Football Association (Energy Cottbus), supported by the mining company.
Ilona Otto task: check up with Fritz what he did previously.
Rebekka Popp: Just to flag that I think you can build on a lot of work Tiago and Fritz did under the Lusatia Pathfinder Project
Make a list of empirical steps and local activities
v Adjust workshop deliverables at the end of the year - wither pre-version of policy simulations in Lusatia and Gorj or replacing with an English speaking webinar with the learning from Konin, sharing some materials how social simulation could work. Invite a larger audience from other deep demonstration projects and regions. To show where we are now and what we plan to do next year.
Suggestion by Jakub: maintain simulation workshops in 2020, if all partners deliver input for CRS until the end of October, translation in November by partners in Germany and Romania, after that train-the-trainer-session for all 3 regions, so that the simulation workshops could take place end November/beginning December, therefore needed: assistance in translation, taking part in training sessions. Webinar 1-2 weeks after simulation workshops, no direct exchange between participants during simulation workshops
Move Webinar to beginning of 2021, together with DEL for citizen outreach in 2021.
Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură TIMIȘ